Nubian Square Ascends

Privé Parking is thrilled to announce its partnership with a publicly traded parking company for the Nubian Square Ascends project in Nubian Square, Roxbury, Massachusetts.

This project aims to address the challenge of accommodating the increased local business activities in the area by developing a uniquely designed parking garage. Our parking management expertise and collaboration with the parking company make us the ideal partner for this transformative initiative.

Partnering for Uniquely Designed Parking Garage

Privé Parking has partnered with a publicly traded parking company to create a parking garage designed explicitly for the Nubian Square Ascends project. We understand the need for innovative parking solutions that align with the growth and increased local business activities in the Nubian Square area.

Through our collaboration, we aim to design and develop a parking facility that optimally accommodates the parking needs of residents, businesses, and visitors.

Supporting Local Businesses

One of the primary objectives of the Nubian Square Ascends project is to provide essential support to local businesses. Privé Parking recognizes the challenge businesses face regarding parking availability for their customers.

Our solution addresses this problem by creating a dedicated parking garage that offers convenient access to businesses throughout Nubian Square.

By enhancing parking options, Privé helps local companies attract and retain customers, thereby contributing to the growth and success of the community.

Accommodating Increased Local Business Activities

With the Nubian Square area experiencing a significant increase in local business activities, the parking demand also rises. The Nubian Square Ascends project is designed to address this need by developing a parking garage that caters to the growing number of residents, employees, and visitors.

Privé creates a supportive environment for businesses to thrive by providing ample parking spaces and convenient access while ensuring a positive experience for everyone involved.

Enhancing the Nubian Square Experience

The Nubian Square Ascends project aims to improve the overall experience in Nubian Square. Privé Parking contributes to a more vibrant and prosperous community by resolving the parking challenges that businesses and visitors face.

The uniquely designed parking garage serves as a practical solution: it adds to the area’s aesthetic appeal, creating a positive and welcoming ambiance for residents, businesses, and visitors alike.


“We guarantee a memorable world-class experience for your clients. We’re the first people they see when entering your venue and the last people they see when leaving.”

– Ricardo Louis, CEO

Privé Parking’s partnership with a publicly traded parking company for the Nubian Square Ascends project showcases their dedication to the success of the local community in Nubian Square, Roxbury. Through our expertise in parking management and developing a uniquely designed parking garage, we’ve provided a tailored solution that supports local businesses, accommodates increased activities, and enhances the overall experience in Nubian Square.

Contact Privé Parking today to experience the difference they can make in creating a thriving environment for businesses and the community.